Make A Wish Album
I am on a mission to get some more pages completed for Harry's Make A Wish album so decided to challenge myself to use a couple of different sketch blogs to get some extra pages completed quickly. Yesterday I had a go at this weeks Pencil Lines Sketch ... I also used up some older supplies, this LO I used some of November 2009 GoGo Create Kit and I am really chuffed with the result. It was lovely to sit and chill whilst using the sketch as I didn't have to 'think' - which meant watching Lost (thank you Janice) was so much more pleasing:D Life has been a bit weird lately but this week we seemed to have turned a corner on so many levels, work and home are running smoother than ever (mind you that may be down to Zoe and Kirsty being home and helping:lol:) and the work we have input into sorting things for Harry to help understand why he does things and why he 'blows' has really started to show! Right, now off to find more sketches to get this album filled.... Lx