
Showing posts from March, 2010

Getaway Classes

I loved getting back to teaching again at a larger event, it is so fulfilling to share a passion isn't it. My first class was 'The Measure Of Love' and was all about using a non traditional scrapping item such as this cute tape measure. Adorn your nearest and dearest within the realms of a 12x12 LO using a fun and unique techinque; this class will most certainly measure up to your expectations and Be:Loved for years to come! Second up was 'Team Green' and was all about using eco friendly products and putting together hand made embellishments. Lx

Fond Memories

I have really enjoyed scrapping with some older photos and the fond memories that they have brought back have been a nice little tonic to the cold virus I seem to have been fighting the last couple of days. I used the April Kit 'Fabrication' Create/G2P/Hybrid/Bespoke Cards to create this LO. I adore this photo and it is one of only a handful I have of my Nan with Harry before she passed away a little over a year later. Harry loved my Nan and called her Gran-Gran along with the girls. A quick and fairly simple design using the Donna Salazar paper as a decorative cut out border/corner. I carefully cut the detail out from the 12x12 sheet and adhered it to the Beeswax (yellow) cardstock using 3D foam pads. A ribbon bow was made and placed on top of the image of the bow on the paper along with a few other little elements from the Hybrids and Bespoke Cards added around the photo. The fasteners make a fab centre to cut out blossoms from the Cosmo Cricket pattern paper too!

Happy Memories

Sharing another of my April designs... These are my three most favourite photos from the first moment that Zoe and Kirsty met Harry, Simon had been with me all night but went home for a quick nap and then straight back to see us both with the girls - I love their smiling faces! This Bazzill cardstock is my most favourite shade of blue at the moment, it doesn't really remind me of rain but that is what it is called:lol: However it was the perfect colour as a backdrop to my design as I wanted to feature blue, pink and yellow which seemed really fitting for a baby boy page meeting his two sisters. The yellow frame was fun to make and easy to recreate even if you do not have a decorative border punch - simply use scallop sissors and a hole punch (and a little patience too!).

So Long Ago Was My Last Entry!

OK - seriously bad blogger alert! Life has been far too manic with appointments, work and everything else in between that I really didn't think that you wanted to be reading all of my woo's :lol: But now I do have some nice things to share as I have been playing with April Kit 'Fabrication' and have been contining to put together more baby photos from my standard album... April Kit is perfect for baby photos, so much so that I have really got stuck in to emptying my old baby album for Harry and finalling making some LOs! This picture of Harry was in his first week of being born and I still remember this little green striped suit as if it were yesterday. The Hybrids this month really have helped my Kit go far, infact all but two of the strips that feature within this design are from the Hybrid download. The three buttons from the Hybrids were a great base for three little pins - don't these just remind you of nappy pins!


I have been really busy this last week or so, it has been mad:lol: Tomorrow I am running a little scrapbooking event for a local Brownie group so am really looking forward to seeing what they all make - we are just making a simple accordian book that the girls can fill in with photos at home but I am sure the hour will go past really quickly. I have a little helper too, Harry is excited about being a Brownie for the evening:lol: Work has been busy, home life has been manic but I have still found that special moment in amongst the madness to sit and create a little something. This LO below was made for an example for our Crop during March and features some cool frames that we are handing out amongst the ladies. I am still trying to revisit some older pictures that have never been scrapped - and yes they are the originals, can't see the point in scrapping copies:lol: Lorraine x

A Little Award

So today Helen nominated me for a little award - a bit like a sticker chart without having to eat your green really:D Rule 1: 'Thank the person who gave you the award' - thank you Helen my sweetie:D Rule 2: 'Place the logo on your blog' - check! Rule 3: 'Link to the person who nominated you' - ta da ! Rule 4: 'Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting' - all true too:lol: 1. Is married to a 'toy boy:lol: 2. Loves Most Haunted Live Shows - sad but true! 3. Never been able to do a forward role:( 4. I can wiggle my nose. 5. I have a soup graveyard in my garden:) 6. I have a terrible fear of 'down' escalators! 7. I am addicted to Dr Pepper Rule 5: 'Nominate 7 bloggers for this award and post links to their blogs' - 1 Eileen 2 Nicola 3 Sheena 4 Claire 5 Vicki 6 Lisa 7 Angie