The 8th month of the year has been truly nuts and a whirlwind of just about everything:lol: However in that whirl of activity we have found time to have fun too and that included celebrating Harry's 9th birthday!
I still can not get my head around Harry's trip later this month, we were told back in November that Harry had been granted a wish by the Make A Wish Foundation to swim with dolphins and it felt so unreal then and it still does! Harry received a welcome pack from Give The Kids The World yesterday which has made things seem a bit more real - yes we are excited for Harry and excited that we will experience lots of things that will make the best memories for life but also the flip side that I am still trying to sort in my head is that children like Harry only get these wishes granted because they face life long challenges facing life threatening illnesses - TBH a fact that I hide deep away in my head, a kind of self preservation skill that gets me through life at times! The village where we will be staying is amazing, a place I didn't even know existed, a place that they state is 'where happiness inspires hope' - kinda says it all really doesn't it. It looks such a h...
Starting a personal blog is something that I have been planning for the last 18 months or so but was one of those things that I just never quite got round too... until today! Do you ever have days where you just zoom through all your domestic chores, whip through the 'to do' lists and have free time left to do as you please - well I don't normally so took that moment by the scruff of the neck and got down to it, so here is the result. I must admit I struggled a little at first, more of a issue due to not wishing to read the instructions to the last sentence than anything else :lol: but hey, I got there - in my own way - which actually means I put out a cry for help! Thank you Vicki:D Thinking of a title was easier said than done, first off I didn't want to include anything to do with ScrapaGoGo in the title - well this is a personal blog and not so much work related - but when something is such a HUGE part of your life how can you not include it! So 'Inspired by GoG...
Every Thursday at GKTW it is Christmas, the Village is all decorated and Christmas dinner is served. Santa comes along to see the children and all the 'normal' things you would expect to see our evident - what isn't normal in any sense of the word is the atmosphere. For some children it is the last 'Christmas' they will see and that was extremely difficult to witness but something truly magical happened for those familes that evening and you could see and feel it, I have no other way of describing watching those familes but the experience has changed so much in me. There were children critically ill, some that were recovering and many that live with the threat of what their illness can do day in day out - but none of those children or families were sad, everyone there had that one thing in common and everyone truly cherised this very fragile thing we call life and that meant we had such a great 'Christmas'! Lx
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