Well About Time Too!

Starting a personal blog is something that I have been planning for the last 18 months or so but was one of those things that I just never quite got round too... until today! Do you ever have days where you just zoom through all your domestic chores, whip through the 'to do' lists and have free time left to do as you please - well I don't normally so took that moment by the scruff of the neck and got down to it, so here is the result.

I must admit I struggled a little at first, more of a issue due to not wishing to read the instructions to the last sentence than anything else :lol: but hey, I got there - in my own way - which actually means I put out a cry for help! Thank you Vicki:D

Thinking of a title was easier said than done, first off I didn't want to include anything to do with ScrapaGoGo in the title - well this is a personal blog and not so much work related - but when something is such a HUGE part of your life how can you not include it! So 'Inspired by GoGo' it became. Because that really is what my life has become in so many ways, inspired by the relationships born from GoGo, inspired by the support network that is GoGo HQ, and inspired by all the members that support us month in month out - so yes, 'Inspired by GoGo' really does fit the bill!

As most working Mum's I juggle a lot of things each day, as a working Mum with a family that includes a child with a condition that requires lots of hospital appointments amongst numerous other things I admit I juggle manically :lol: but always with a smile on my face I am told (and usually a bar of chocolate in my pocket too!) so I guess all is well with how I manage the hectic life I lead. However manic it all gets at times there is nothing sweeter than cuddling my little guy, sharing jokes with my girls and getting that supportive hug from my husband at the end of the day.

After a year or so off designing with our GoGo Kits due to workload of administrational tasks I am really pleased to be back, this has been made easier now that Janice and I have dear Lisa as a partner:D After a little bumpy start to 2010 things are on the up home and work wise so I have decided that February 10th is the start of MY New Year:D To celebrate this fresh start I would like to share a simple but fun LO using March 'Turn It Up!' Kit

Lorraine x


  1. love it!! welcome to blogland!


  2. Welcome to blog-land. You will be hooked before your know it.

  3. Lovely blog Lorraine. And love that LO too. Xx

  4. Welcome to Blogland Lorraine :D
    Love the blog & your LO is lurvely.

  5. Welcome to blog land Lorraine. Looking good and that LO is fab!

  6. yay! it's great to see you designing again sweetie! x

  7. Yay the girl's scrapping and blogging. Looking good girlie :)

  8. Lovely blog Lorraine, so bright & pretty :) As is your LO, love the colours!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Love the blog and your LO, glad you're in blog land now!

  11. Welcome to blogland...it's looking great!


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