Half Term Juggling

On the subject (again!) of juggling many different things it is half term!
I do love having Kirsty and Harry at home (Zoe doesn't have a half term at Uni) but it is a hectic week ending in Kirsty having her tonsils out on Friday and me having three teeth out under sedation on Saturday; we are therefore in organising mode for clearing the decks for some chilling out in the days following both operations:D

My 'to do' list has been fairly long lately but is getting there now, I am nearly through LO number 4 with March Kit and have completed both my classes for the Getaway which I have really enjoyed doing I must say:D

This LO below is using Create/G2P plus Bespoke Design Cards:

I adore these cards that Sam designed to coordinate with March Kit - the colours and styles are so much fun. However I wanted to make them go a little further so to create my blocks beside the photo I have cut them in half and mixed them up a little before sticking down.

This photo was taken whilst bowling with the family - Harry doesn't stick to one task for very long but the sparkly bowling balls captured this attention for a couple of minutes! The large American Crafts brads really do look like the bowling balls:D

Tomorrow Harry is having a treat day out along with a certain young lady we are visiting Build A Bear in Norwich, normally he goes for the sparkly bears and adding Hannah Montana or similar sounds:lol: I however am going to try to get him to choose a more classic bear this time... I will share more tomorrow on how that panned out!



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