The Village Park

We collected our hire car which Harry loved as it was a van with sliding doors, (thank you Avis and Make A Wish) and after a short drive of just 25 minutes we were at the GKTW Village... a truly remarkable place that was more like a theme park!

Being in Orlando was overwhelming in itself after the week prior to Harry's trip when we wondered if we would get to go, but the welcome at the Villlage just about tipped us over the edge (in a good way!) with all the warm welcomes, personal touches and generosity of local volunteers, corporate donations of theme park tickets and the most magical little extras that money can't buy.

We were taken to our 'home' for the week, a totally cool villa that looks as if it had fallen out of a magical story book...

Not only was this the cutest house ever but the fridge was full of goodies for Harry and a welcome bag full of toys, DVD's and little gifts including a couple of home made cards made by local children for each wish child - and yes those did bring a lump to my throat!

The view from our window was totally crazy too!



  1. Great Photo's, but where's your hat mrs A!!!
    Lisa x

  2. Fantastic view - so bright and cheerful!


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